How to Find the Perfect Engagement Ring

Choosing your dream diamond ring is an event that you’ll want to cherish and remember. Slipping the ring onto your finger for the first time and showing friends and family is all part of the magic. Your engagement ring is a symbol of your love for each other, so you’ll want it to sparkle for a whole lifetime. But there’s so much to consider when making one of the most important purchases of your life. Dubai Rocks have come up with some useful tips to help you find the perfect engagement ring.

Choose your perfect diamond shape

Diamonds come in all shapes and sizes, from traditional round diamonds to princess, cushion, emerald and oval designs. Think about which shape you instinctively fall in love with, and which best suits your style and personality. Round diamonds are by far the most popular, so there is a wider selection available. A round diamond will appear larger than some other shapes too.

Guarantee the quality of your diamond ring

Engagement rings aren’t cheap, so you’ll want some guarantee that the sparkle you fall in love with is here to stay. Before you start shopping for your diamond ring, it’s well worth doing your research on certification. Certification takes place when the rock is examined and is given a set of graded qualities. It’s widely thought that the best standard for certification comes from the Gemological Institute of America (GIA). So when shopping for your dream ring, you can ask if the diamonds on sale are certified by the GIA for a guarantee of high quality.

Does size matter when it comes to choosing your diamond ring?

One of the best known considerations when choosing a diamond ring is deciding on the carat, or weight of the diamond. Some weight differences are so small that they are barely noticeable, but the size of the carat holds a great deal of sway when it comes to showing your ring off to friends. 1 carat diamond rings are still a status symbol and carry a much higher price tag for the same reason. But big isn’t necessarily always the most beautiful. You need to consider the “cut” of the rock alongside the carat, as it’s the quality of the cut that will make the diamond sparkle. So a smaller carat with a better quality cut can look even more impressive as it stands out so well.

Finding the perfect engagement ring is a magical time. There is a lot to consider and it can be daunting to make a final decision on such an important purchase. Understanding how to recognise the best quality diamonds will help make sure that your ring will sparkle for a lifetime. But let your instinct guide you, too. You’ll know your dream ring when you simply can’t take your eyes off it for a moment. Good luck with your search for the perfect ring, and enjoy every moment.

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